News & Announcements
Register for our online webinar for an overview of testing dates, as well as tips for supporting student success.
SHS hosted its first Danceline USA competition, featuring 13 teams and over 100 competitors from Texoma.
Seventh grader Natalie Thompson won first place in the Piner Spelling Bee and was named Grayson County Runner-Up.
Parents and students will receive an email in April verifying their selections, and schedules will be released in August.
A mandatory meeting for interested middle school parents is Feb. 21, and tryouts for all levels start in March.
Review information here from a recent parent information night.
Piner Cheer competes, wins at NCA High School National Competition.
Learn about test prep resources for college and career readiness assessments, as well as advanced academics at SHS.
SISD strives to better serve families and staff and showcase all the district has to offer.